The city of Newark, New Jersey
, hosts an annual celebration called the “Black August Commemoration,” which attracts neighborhood people of all ages to a late summer weekend of entertainment and fellowship. This Friday evening in particular has residents thinking about the impending threat of Hurricane Irene, along with the likelihood of more shootings, prompting Black August organizers to host a “24 Hours of Peace” rally.
In a recent 24-hour period – July 11, 2011 – in Newark, 13 people were shot. One of the victims, a teen, died soon after. That single day helped to underscore 2011 as one of the most violent years in “Brick City’s” recorded history; and in the news, there are countless stories about grieving families and a fearful community. Most of the city’s victims – and perpetrators – are young, minority males, representing Hip-Hop’s core audience.
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Unfortunately it is going to take more than one day of "Commemoration" to make a change. However, I applaud their efforts. I personally don't think Hip Hop should take the blame for the root cause of the violence that is taking over Newark. This is not an isolated situation but one occurring in many inner cities. The problems of the inner city have to do in my opinion more with disparity and lack of options. I do think that one of the main ways to change the situation is through "grass roots" involvement at the local levels. Change takes time, and commitment.