Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hip Hop: Race, Identity, & Authenticity

by Brittany Hill

When it comes to the role of hip hop there are several factors that tie in and play a huge role. Race, identity, as well as authenticity are of those many factors. These factors are not only important in evaluating the hip hop artist, but just the genre of music in general. They help one understand not only where hip hop has come from, but how far it can and will go. Understanding these factors can also allow for a better appreciation of the genre of music.
Just like in many other things in our society, race plays a huge role in hip hop. As hip hop began its rise in the late 1900’s, it was mainly utilized as an outlet for low income, underprivileged individuals and communities which in most cases consisted of nothing, but Blacks. Since Blacks were the main ones to produce and bring forth hip hop, many other races turned a deaf ear to hip hop, because they felt as though they wouldn’t be able to relate before they even heard what all the noise was about. This goes back to separation and segregation. The fear of another culture or race interfering with or influencing another one’s culture or race was still big therefore allowing Blacks to keep a hold on hip hop for a longer period of time. Yet, now there are several races that not only enjoy the sounds of hip hop, but go as far as producing some hip hop tunes of their own. For example, in Mickey Hess’s article Hip Hop Realness and the White Performer, Hess explains the journey of the White performer Eminem and his claim to fame in the hip hop world.
Identity has always been a big factor in the world of hip hop whether it comes to those attempting to establish their own identity in the hip hop world or individuals trying to see who in the hip hop world they identify more with. Establishing an identity in the hip hop world also determines one’s succession in the hip hop world. People are constantly looking for “real” people they can relate to and identify themselves with. It you are able to display how much you can identify and relate to those around you then you are more likely to have more people interested in what you have to say. At the same time, having an identity that isn’t like others, is original in the hip hop world, and stands out makes you more likely to have success as well which brings me to the factor of authenticity.
Authenticity can be defined in many ways. So whether it is in a dictionary or in the world of hip hop, authenticity is way more than just words. To be authentic in the hip hop world is extremely important. It allows one to be relatable, respected, as well as admired. People are always looking for someone who has “been there and done that”. They love to see that “been there and done that” to be somewhere they have been or something they have done. Yet, at the same time they are looking for someone who isn’t like Joe Flow who came out last week. Authenticity also relates to hip hop when it comes to speaking on hip hop itself. It is something that cannot be duplicated. No other genre is like hip hop nor comes close. Hip hop has a story to tell and I am getting numerous paper cuts from all the pages I have to turn to read it!

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